Moroccan dress code for women

As a western female I was a bit apprehensive when it came to appropriate dress for this working trip.
Words like  “modest”  and “conservative” were frequently mentioned.
But those words are pretty culturally dependent.
I basically got the idea that though western women were not expected to wear head coverings for the most part, they should cover their legs and arms.
And that for the most part seems true.
A very rough unscientific survey  (aka me people watching in Rabat over the past few days) would say that:
1) maybe about of 2/3 of the women do cover their head/ hair in some fashion
2) almost all of the females cover pretty much all of their skin
3) a significant percentage of them cover their skin in pretty form revealing ways, thru tight pants, leggings, etc and form fitting tshirts – and a significant percentage of these women are also covering their heads/hair.

I find this to be an interesting juxtaposition of modest skin covering and proud shape revealing.



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